Meteor Trajectory Calculator

To triangulate a meteor's path in 3-D, you need 2 stations, preferably more than 10km apart. On each image choose 2 points, they do not have to be at the start/end, but shorter translates to more error. You need to use sky software with your location and time (within 10m and 30 seconds) to extract the altitude and azimuths. The routine here uses Ceplecha's intersecting planes method for quick estimate. (Bull. Astron. Inst. Czechsl, 38 (1987), 222-234)
Site 1:
Lat/Lon: W is neg!   Height (m):   UTC
Point A Alt Az (decimal degrees, N= 0, E=90)
Point B Alt Az

Site 2:

Lat/Lon: W is neg!   Height (m):  
Point A Alt Az  (decimal degrees, N= 0, E=90)
Point B Alt Az            Trajectory Point C Alt Az  to obtain the height/position for any point on the path
To get the burnout point height, use the end point for site 2.

No guarantee, but it works reasonably well.
Project initiation: mid September 2019