NLC Project References and Acknowledgments
- Mark Zalcik: NLC-CanAM coordinator, long term observer, NLC doyen
- Bruno Larochelle, Ron Goodson: years of coding help
- Bruce McCurdy and Mike Noble: observing and imaging compatriots
- Royal Astronomical Society of Canada members, mentors, friends
- Barton Satchwill: introduction to Cybera`s cloud computing facility
- Roger Nelson: web hosting
- Valerie, Arianna, Elizabeth for familial support and encouragement
- The open source universe, Stack Overflow
- Alberta`s Rapid Access Cloud from Cybera
- DateTime: [Dave Rolsky et al: perl datetime conversions & formatting]
- DateTime::Astro::Sunrise: [Ron Hill et al: perl Sunrise-sunset module]
- GNUplot [graphing]
M.J Taylor, M.A Hapgood, D.A.R. Simmons
The effect of atmospheric screening on the visible border of noctilucent clouds
Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics
Volume 46, Issue 4, April 1984, Pages 363-367, 369-372
M Gadsen:
Project initiation: late September 2018